6 Appliances and Accessories That Every Home Must Have
You'd most likely have noticed that modern homes are brimming with various appliances, but there are some that homes simply cannot do without.
Some gadgets are just essential to the hustle and bustle of modern life now, and it can help to prioritize with your appliances sometimes.

Perhaps you're just moving out on your own for the first time. Or maybe you're just thinking about how to make sure you have everything you need for an easy, breezy life.
Check this out.
In this list, we'll give you a breakdown of the most essential gadgets and appliances for the home that you must have:
1. Water Heater

This is essential for any home, and that includes ones located in warm climates.
First of all, everyone loves a hot shower. And a good water heater is necessary to shower during those cold days and chilly mornings.
If you live in a home or an apartment without a water heater, then don’t put off purchasing one.
There is a variety of low-cost water heaters suited for budget homes. Most budget water heaters are suited to attach to the plumbing for a single bathroom and a kitchen.
Some can even support multiple rooms, and you can choose depending on your requirements.
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2. Washing Machine and Dryer

No modern home can survive without a washing machine and a dryer.
Most homes do have one, but some homeowners, especially with space-strapped apartments, decide to forgo this necessity and stick with a Laundromat.
Fortunately, the price of washing machines has dramatically reduced in the past decade.
If you want a moderately powerful washing machine for a family of three or four, you can purchase a solid product with a budget of about $500.
If you are on a strict budget, or if you only need a small machine for one or two people, there are also surprisingly well-functioning washing machines that won’t cost more than $300.
You can also buy a good dryer with a budget of about $500.
Related Reading:
3. Carpet and Vacuum Cleaner

Who needs brooms or wet cloth-attached sweepers when you can buy a vacuum cleaner?
Vacuum cleaners are surprisingly inexpensive and you can get one with about $100.
But if you are looking for a product with good quality and reliable performance, it’s recommended to buy a vacuum cleaner for couple of hundred dollars.
Vacuum cleaners are great for removing dust and debris from many types of flooring, but for carpets, you might want a carpet cleaner as well.
Carpet cleaners actually wash the carpets after performing some vacuuming action, and you can buy a small to medium sized carpet cleaner with $200 or so.
Related Reading:
4. Home Safe

Not many people think about purchasing a safe for home.
But if you have gold jewelry, guns, or similar valuables, do you really want to just leave them inside a drawer? Probably not.
Home safes are great for providing some additional protection for valuables.
They are not as secure as bank vaults, of course, but they will protect your most precious items just in case of a break in.
In addition, home safe prices differ mainly depending on the size.
An affordable moderately sized home safe will come with additional perks like waterproof and fireproof qualities.
Related Reading:
5. Humidifier / Dehumidifier

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Do you get seasonal allergies or eczema?
You can improve your quality of sleep significantly by getting a humidifier for the bedroom.
One of these gadgets can keep you comfortable when watching TV as well.
If your doctor recommends a humidifier, don’t forgo buying one because of the cost. Furthermore, humidifiers are surprisingly affordable.
Get this:
You can purchase a highly portable humidifier with just $100. You don’t need to install portable humidifiers and can carry them easily from room to room.
6. Air Conditioner

You can ditch the aging A/C that came with your home or the apartment and get a chic new one with a budget of about $500.
If you want an air conditioner for a room, though, like a basement, then there are plenty of cheap options available.
You can buy mounted as well as portable air conditioners, although portable A/Cs are recommended if you want to use one between rooms.
Finally, mounted air conditioners require installation, but they can sufficiently keep a room cool or warm without a hassle.
Related Reading:
Now, if you are cash strapped, you might understandably forgo buying even the essential appliances listed above.
But as you can see, not all are out of the reach of budget users.
You can purchase the gadget you need with just a few hundred dollars if you know where to look.
So, don’t make a big fuss about the cost. Refer to the links provided to find the item you need at a price you can afford.